What Even Is My Life? (Part Two)

In my previous blog post, I kind of left you on a cliff hanger. My bad. Let me tie up some loose ends.

So, I guess it depends on who you ask, if I was in a relationship or not. Did he ask me to be his girlfriend? Yes. Did I say yes? Reluctently. I didn’t really want to be in a relationship, but it was one of those, ‘you guys talk all the time, you should just date,’ things.

We didn’t do anything. The only time we saw each other, was at work. We sat out in the parking lot when we closed and talked for a few hours. We went to Subway once and he didn’t know how to order his food because “he doesn’t order his own food.”

There were some red flags along the way. There were some things that made me think he was an idiot and immature. He said some things that rubbed me the wrong way, but I stuck it out. I was bored. And lonely. Raven had her new boyfriend and new friends (his friend and new girlfriend), and I wasn’t a part of that because I was the fifth wheel. So I needed someone to talk to, and hang out with (even though we only hung out at work).

I’m not going to go into detail, but one day he said something that no only spoke ill of me, but Raven and her boyfriend. Now, listen. I know I just said they hung out with other people and kind of left me out, but Raven was still my bestfriend and I love them very much. I didn’t care about not being a part of their group, I didn’t like that my “boyfriend” still spoke ill of them.

Basically, he “didn’t know what went on over here” (meaning my house, since we all lived together). He didn’t know what kind of “arrangements” we had going on. He thought they took my car without asking (absolutely not, by the way. Raven still asks me if I need the car when both of them work).

I don’t know, I would think that my “boyfriend” would think better of me, that I wouldn’t just let them take my car without me knowing or asking. And I would think he would think I would choose friends that treated me better than stealing my stuff.

When I finally saw him in person, I asked him about the “don’t know what goes on over there” part, he replied, “Well, I trust you. I know you’re not cheating on me.”

…That didn’t really answer the question. But he was very dismissive and scooted around my questions. I’m glad I “broke things off with him,” because I later found out he was calling Raven names, and bad mouthing her, and me at that point. Why would you call your “girlfriend’s” best friend names? Did he really think I’d stand for that? Even after things ended, I heard from his new girlfriend that he continued to bring all of that up to her.

Raven even sent him a voice message telling him he was going to be ok after hearing about his home life. Even after Raven’s boyfriend tried to help him, he still decided to turn his back on them. That was not “boyfriend material” for me.

At this point, a year or whatever later, I don’t care. I have no regrets, no ill feelings. I quit my job shortly after all of that happened. I still see him when I go back, but I don’t talk to him. Not after the way he treated my friends. Honestly, it would have been one thing if he only treated me that way. But, I digress.

And that’s it. That concludes that part of my life. Now I can update you on what has happened since. And I shall do that in the next one. It’s not really a lot, but this post is long enough.

Until next time!

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